Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Social environment Essay Example for Free

Social environment Essay I am a person who frequents the local gym. In fact it is part of my daily routine and it is a social environment I have come to know very well. After hunting for a good parking space I make my way through the set of automatic sliding glass doors. The temperature is always a consistent 70 degrees Fahrenheit – cozy and comfortable in the winter, and a refreshing break from the blistering heat of summer. When I approach the front desk to swipe my membership card, one of three people will greet me. Usually it’s a middle aged African American man called â€Å"Mr. Fred,† and you can bet that he’ll be wearing a smile. No doubt, he knows almost every member’s name despite the fact that there are hundreds. On the rare occasion that Mr. Fred isn’t at the front desk, either a beautiful young girl with brown hair and brown eyes, or an older polite woman will greet me. As I make my way up the tall, carpeted staircase I scroll through my Ipod to find something fresh. Upon arriving at the top of the staircase I scan the area to see who is present. Is it busy? Is the cute girl I noticed last week here? My buddy from school? Anyone else I know? It’s truly amazing how much it depends on the time of day. We live by the clock and sometimes I don’t think we realize how much it structures our lives. Three PM means it’s slow – there will be a few older retired folks lethargically moving around and trying to keep themselves busy. At Four PM the space slowly starts to fill in with people that got off work early or left early to avoid the rush. At Five PM the facility comes alive. The cardio machines will soon all be occupied, the spinning classes begin, the lanes of the pool are now filled, and the clang of weights being shuffled around echoes throughout the gym. This is a colossal gym. The ceilings must be 40 feet high in some places. Most of the activity takes place on the second floor where there are over 100 cardio machines of various types. There is also an indoor track that surrounds the machines and the weights. I walk over to the stationary bikes to begin my warm-up and wonder how many people have sat on this seat since I last did. Sometimes the seat is still on position â€Å"16† like I left it the day before, other times I find it fully extended and I know a seven foot tall guy must have been there. After about ten minutes on the bike, I make my way over to the weights where I discover a new face. It’s a girl with blonde hair and she’s probably about 20 years old. She seems a little lost – perhaps a new member without much weight-training experience. It’s funny how many new members there are following every New Years. Indeed they have all just made resolutions to get into better shape. So after a couple minutes of fumbling around with one machine, a guy approaches the girl and offers his expertise on the subject. He asks her which muscle group she wants to focus on, and then demonstrates the correct movements on the machine. She looks at him wearily as she tries to replicate the motions and he nods in approval. It seems an instant relationship has just formulated between the two. Who knows where it will lead, they may end up together for the rest of their lives. Next I move over to where the free weights are located. I watch myself in the mirror as I lift the weights over my head and then bring them back to my shoulders in a slow, controlled motion. In the mirror I notice two girls behind me on the abdominal machines. And to take a line from Akon – I can’t help but to notice them, noticing me. I have seen them a couple times before and there is a feeling of familiarity – almost as though we know each other, yet we have never met. In one of my psychology classes, we learned the term â€Å"familiar strangers. † These can be described as people that we see over and over throughout our routines but people that we technically do not know. These girls are an example of familiar strangers because although I have never conversed with them, there is a sense that I do know them on some level. This is true of many people I see at the gym, some of which I see almost every day. It’s as if I have a certain connection with these people even though we are not acquaintances. It’s a peculiar situation. I see them every day but we don’t really speak to each other, yet if I saw one of them in another setting (a bar, restaurant, or store) I would almost feel compelled to speak. If I didn’t acknowledge them, it would be as though I was choosing to ignore the fact that I recognized them as a familiar person from the gym. Tuesdays at the gym are particularly interesting from a sociological perspective. It’s a very busy day because there are a lot of group classes. One class called â€Å"Zumba† combines dancing with an aerobic routine that has been choreographed to hip-hop music. This is the most popular class at the gym; in fact, it’s so popular that they had to move the class to the basketball court. The basketball court can be overlooked from the second floor; so needless to say, when the hip-hop music starts blaring it draws a lot of attention. But I’m not sure the music draws as much attention as the 75 women bouncing around on the basketball court. The guys upstairs literally flock to the railing to check out the action. And the funny thing is – they don’t tend to make any effort to be sly about watching the women below. Instead, they just stare at them, grinning from ear to ear and joke around with buddies. I’ll admit, it is very difficult to keep your eyes off of that many girls, but I do my best to avoid gawking. The gym is a place I have come to know well and it is an excellent facility. It sometimes even feels like a second home because everyone there is so welcoming and friendly. And if my Ipod isn’t enough to keep me entertained during my workout, there’s always the option of â€Å"people watching. †

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Physical Medicine :: Health Treatment Psychiatry Rehab Essays

Physical Medicine PHYSICAL MEDICINE PHYSICAL MEDICINE also called PHYSIATRY, PHYSICAL THERAPY, OR REHABILITATION MEDICINE, medical specialty concerned with the treatment of chronic disabilities and with the restoration of normal functioning to the disabled through physical modes of treatment, such as exercise. This specialized medical service is generally aimed at rehabilitating persons disabled by pain or ailments affecting the motor functions of the body. Physical medicine is one means employed to assist these patients to return to a comfortable and productive life, often despite the persistence of a medical problem. For centuries man used such natural physical agents as hot springs and sunlight to treat his ailments, but the development of physical medicine as a specialized medical service took place largely after World War I. Two factors influenced its growth in the 20th century--epidemic poliomyelitis and the two world wars--both of which created large numbers of young, seriously handicapped persons. Physical medi cine was definitively established through the American physician Howard A. Rusk's efforts to rehabilitate wounded soldiers during and after World War II. Physical medicine then became available for the treatment of patients with such diverse problems as fractures, burns, tuberculosis, painful backs, strokes, nerve and spinal cord injuries, diabetes, birth defects, arthritis, and vision and speech impairments. Physical medicine is closely associated with orthopaedic surgery, but it is also prescribed by physicians and surgeons in all branches of medicine. Physicians who specialize in physical medicine are called physiatrists. The objectives of physical medicine are relief of pain, improvement or maintenance of functions such as strength and mobility, training in the most effective method of performing essential activities, and testing of function in various areas. Tests cover such fields as muscle strength, degree of joint mobility, breathing capacity, and muscular coordination. The therapeutic means most commonly employed include heat, massage, exercise, electrical currents, and functional training. Since the 1970s these basic means have been supplemented and enhanced by psychological counselling, occupational therapy, and a variety of other treatments which may be used in concert to help the disabled person achieve the fullest possible life despite the persistence of his medical problem. Heat is used generally to stimulate circulation and to relieve pain in the area treated. It may be applied by infrared lamps, shortwave radiation, or high-frequency electrical currents (diathermy); by hot, moist compresses or immersion in hot water (hydrotherapy); or by ultrasound. Massage primarily aids circulation and relieves local pain or muscle spasm.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Case Study: Managerial Finance Chapter 14

BUS650: Managerial Finance Chapter 14 Closing Case Professor: Darrell Early October 8, 2011 1. If Stephenson wishes to maximize its total market value, would you recommend that it issue debt or equity to finance the land purchase? Explain. If Stephenson wishes to maximize the overall value of the firm, it should use debt to finance the $95 million purchase. Since interest payments are tax deductible, debt in the firm’s capital structure will decrease the firm’s taxable income, creating a tax shield that will increase the overall value of the firm. 2. Construct Stephenson’s market value balance sheet before it announces the purchase.Since Stephenson is an all-equity firm with 15 million shares of common stock outstanding, worth $34. 50 per share, the market value of the firm is: Market value of equity = $34. 50(15,000,000) Market value of equity = $517,500,000 So, the market value balance sheet before the land purchase is: Assets $517,500,000 Debt -Equity $517,500 ,000 Total assets $517,500,000 Debt &Equity $517,500,000 3. Suppose Stephenson decides to issue equity to finance the purchase. a. What is the net present value of the project? As a result of the purchase, the firm’s pre-tax earnings will increase by$23 million per year in perpetuity.These earnings are taxed at a rate of40 percent. Therefore, after taxes, the purchase increases the annual expected earnings of the firm by: Earnings increase = $23,000,000(1– . 40) Earnings increase = $13,800,000 Since Stephenson is an all-equity firm, the appropriate discount rate is the firm’s unlevered cost of equity, so the NPV of the purchase is: NPV= – $95,000,000 + ($13,800,000 / . 125)NPV = $15,400,000 b. Construct Stephenson’s market value balance sheet after it announces that the firm will finance the purchase using equity.What would be the new price per share of the firm’s stock? How many shares will Stephenson need to issue in order to finance the p urchase? After the announcement, the value of Stephenson will increase by $15. 4 million, the net present value of the purchase. Under the efficient-market hypothesis, the market value of the firm’s equity will immediately rise to reflect the NPV of the project. Therefore, the market value of Stephenson’s equity after the announcement will be: Equity Value = $517,500,000 + $15,400,000 Equity Value = $ 532,900,000 Market value balance sheetOld assets $517,500,000Debt NVP of project$15,400,000Equity $532,900,000 Total equity$532,900,000Debt & Equity$532,900,000 Since the market value of the firm’s equity is $532,900. 000 and the firm has 15 million shares of common stock outstanding. Stephenson’s stock price after the announcement will be: New share price: $532,900,000/ $15,000,000 New share price: $35. 53 Since Stephenson must raise $95 million to finance the purchase and the firm’s stock worth $35. 53 per share, Stephanie must issue: Shares to issu e = $95,000,000/$35. 53 Shares to issue = $2,673,797 c.Construct Stephenson’s market value balance sheet after the equity issue, but before the purchase has been made. How many shares of common stock does Stephenson have out- standing? What is the price per share of the firm’s stock? Stephenson will receive $95 million in cash as a result of the equity issue. This will increase the firm’s assets and equity by $95 million. So, the new market value balance sheet after the stock issue will be: Market value balance sheet Cash$95,000,000Debt Old assets$517,500,000Equity$627,900,000 NPV of project$15,400,000 Total Assets$627,900,000Debt & Equity$627,900,000The stock change will remain unchanged. To show this Stephenson will have to: Total shares outstanding = $15,000,000 + 2,673,797 Total shares outstanding = 17,673,797 So the share price is: Share price = $627,900,00/$17,673,797 Share price = $35. 53 d. Construct Stephenson’s market value balance sheet after t he purchase has been made. The market value balance sheet of the company: Old assets $517,500,000Debt Building $95,000,000Equity$627,900,000 NVP of project$15,400,000 Total assets $627,900,000Debt& Equity$627,900,000 4. Suppose Stephenson decides to issue debt in order to finance the purchase. . What will the market value of the Stephenson company be if the purchase is financed with debt? Modilgliani-Miller states that in a world with corporate taxes: Vl = Vu + cB As was shown in question 3, Stephenson will be worth $627. 9 million if it finances the purchase with equity. It is to finance the initial the outlay of the project with debt; the firm would have $95 million. So the value of the company if it financed with debt is: Vl = $627,900,000 + . 40 ($95,000,000) Vl = $665,900,000 b. Construct Stephenson’s market value balance sheet after both the debt issue and the land purchase.What is the price per share of the firm’s stock? After the announcement, the value of Step henson will immediately rise by the percent value of the project. Since the market value of the firms debt is $95 million and the value of the firm is $627. 9 million w can calculate the market value of Stephenson’s equity. Stephenson’s market value balance sheet after the debt issue will be: Value unlevered$627,900,000Debt$95,000,000 Tax sheet$38,000,000Equity$570,900,000 Total assets $665,900,000Debt& Equity$665,900,000 Since the market value of Stephenson’s equity is $570. million and the firm has 15 million shares of common stock outstanding. Stephenson’s stock price after the debt issue will be: Stock Price = $570,900,000/$15,000,000 Stock Price = $38. 06 5. Which method of financing maximizes the per-share stock price of Stephenson’s equity? If Stephenson uses equity in order to finance the project, the firm’s stock price will remain at 35. 53 per share. If the firm uses debt in order to finance the project, the firm’s stock pri ce will rise to $38. 06 per share. There fare, debt financing maximizes the per share stock price of a firm’s equity.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Italian Relative Pronouns Pronomi Relativi

Italian relative pronouns—pronomi relativi—are called as such because, in addition to substituting for the noun, they connect (or relate) two clauses. The clause introduced by the pronoun is subordinate and is dependent on the main clause.  The relative pronouns in Italian  are  chi,  che,  cui, and  il quale. Read on to learn how these important pronouns are used in this Romance language. The Relative Pronoun â€Å"Chi† Chi in Italian literally means who. It is invariable, is used in the masculine and feminine singular, and refers only to a person. Examples below illustrate the use of this pronoun. For all examples, the Italian sentence is presented first in italics, while the English translation follows  in regular type. Chi  rompe,  paga.He who breaks (it), pays (for it). Chi tra voi ragazze vuole partecipare alla gara, si iscriva.Those of you girls who want to participate in the competition, sign up. In general,  chi  functions as subject and object; in fact, it corresponds to a relative pronoun preceded by a  demonstrative. Non mi  piace  chi  non  lavora seriamente. I do not like those who do not work seriously. Other Uses for Chi Chi can also mean what, as well as who, with both uses in the same sentence, as this example from  Reverso Translation  notes: Hai sempre saputo chi ero... chi sono.  You always knew who I was, what I am. Sometimes  chi  even functions as an indirect  compliment  if it is preceded by a preposition. Mi  rivolge  a chi  parla  senza  pensare.  I was referring to those who speak without thinking The relative pronouns â€Å"Che† and Cui The relative pronoun che generally means that in English, as the following examples show: È molto bello il vestito che hai acquistato.The dress that you bought is very nice. and: I medici,  che  hanno partecipato alla conferenza, erano americani.  The doctors who attended the conference were Americans. By contrast, cui, a pronoun that means which, can take the place of an indirect object, an object preceded by a preposition. Cui never changes; only the prepositions preceding it change, notes  Learn Italian Daily, a website that provides free Italian-language lessons. You can also use the relative pronoun ​cui preceded by an article to join two sentences that have an element in common, an element that expresses a form of possession. The Relative Pronoun â€Å"il Quale† The pronoun  il  quale also means which in English. It is a variable, relative pronoun that is mainly used in written language, such as official documents. Indeed, il quale, and other forms of the pronoun including  la quale, i quali, and  le quali  may replace che  or cui, as in this example: Il documento, il quale à ¨ stato firmato da voi, à ¨ stato spedito ieri.  The document, which has been signed by you, was delivered yesterday. But even though il quali is generally used formally, you can still have some fun with the pronoun, as in this example: Cadrai in un sonno profondo durante  il quale  obbedirai ai miei ordini. Youre falling into a deep sleep under  which  youll obey my every command.